Ramblin Fever

10 Easy Campfire Snacks And Treats

10 Easy Campfire Snacks And Treats

You love camping, but your snack choices have become a little routine. Do you want to make camping exciting again? Do you want to breathe some life into your camping trips? We’ve got the culinary solution for you!

1. S’more And S’more

We have to mention s’mores, there’s just no way around it. For those who have never experienced the joy of these sweet campfire favorites, all you need are some graham crackers, Hershey’s candy bars, and a bag of jumbo marshmallows. It’s also helpful to have a campfire.

You can also make s’more dip. Just melt chocolate chips with marshmallows on top and enjoy dipping graham crackers, pretzels, fruit, or anything you want.

2. Would You Like Fries With That?

There’s no snack quite like french fries. Loaded fries take this snack to another level.  Make a bowl out of foil, fill it with frozen french fries, add your favorite toppings (cheese, bacon, gravy, chili, etc.), and close the foil. Then, roast your bowls over the campfire until the fries and toppings are cooked.

3. Cheese, Please

A classic is the grilled cheese sandwich. All you need for this one is bread, butter, and cheese (of course). You can even add meat for extra protein. Put your sandwich into your skillet and place it on your campfire grill (or use a pie iron, if you have one). It’s best to eat this when it’s still hot!

4. Sugar And Spice

This is a good treat if you want to let the kids be more hands-on in the kitchen. Open a can of crescent rolls, then mix a paste of sugar, cinnamon, and melted butter. Have the kids rub this on the dough. Next, roll them up and put them in your skillet. After they’re cooked, you’ll have your very own take on cinnamon rolls. Pro tip: Don’t forget the icing!

5. We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Banana Boat

To make this treat, start with a whole banana. Cut it open, making sure you leave the peel on. Then, stuff it with something sweet and something crunchy (like chocolate and peanuts). Wrap it in foil and let it cook in the embers of your campfire, or cook it on a grate over the flames.

6. Nach-yo Typical Nachos

Layer chips, cheese, and your favorite toppings (beans, meat, tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, etc.) in a pan. Keep making layers until they reach the top, then cover the pan before you cook it over the fire. Enjoy your loaded nachos straight out of the pan or dish them out to share with friends.

7. Cuckoo For (Hot) Cocoa

Whether your hot chocolate mix comes from a pouch, a jar, or an old family recipe, it’s sure to be a hit around the campfire. Add marshmallows, peppermint sticks, whipped cream, or spices like cinnamon to up your hot cocoa game.

8. You’re The Apple Of My Pie

You know that pie iron we mentioned earlier? Well, it’s not just for grilled sandwiches, it’s good for pie too (who would have thought, right?) Take your favorite canned pie filling, like apple or cherry, and put it between a couple of slices of bread. Grease your pie iron with butter before putting your bread and filling inside. Let them spend a little time over the heat. Then you can enjoy a nice hot pie under the stars.

9. That’s The Way The Cookie Crumbles

This one’s pretty straightforward: take your favorite cookie mix (or homemade recipe), mix it up, put it in your skillet, and cook it over the flames. Voila, a giant cookie in a pan! Top with ice cream for optimal results.

10. Orange You Glad We Mentioned Brownies?

Last but certainly not least are orange brownies. Put together your favorite brownie mix, and remove the fleshy fruit from the oranges until you only have the rind. Then, drop scoops of brownie mix into one side of each orange rind, using the leftover side to top the brownie-filled side. Wrap them in foil and roast them over your campfire. You’ll get fluffy brownies with the slightest hint of orange flavor. Orange brownies make a great treat for the whole family.

Satisfy Your Hunger For Adventure

Are you looking for a new place to explore your campfire treats? Ramblin’ Fever RV Park is the spot for you! Call us at (430) 562-9095 or book your site online today.

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