Ramblin Fever

RV Travel Hacks: Making Your Camping Trip Stress-Free

RV Travel Hacks: Making Your Camping Trip Stress-Free

One unfortunate truth is that stress is a part of life. Your daily grind–no matter what it looks like–comes with at least some stress. That’s a big reason people take vacations. Often, it is necessary to step away from the source of our stress and give ourselves a few moments to breathe.

So you want to plan an RV trip. If you are a first-time RV traveler, you may have questions. Things like, “What do I need to pack? How do I plan meals? What will arrival and departure days look like at campgrounds?”

Learning what you need to pack and what you don’t is a long-haul process. Cooking in a small kitchen with limited supplies is a learning experience. Setting up camp and packing it all in again may test your patience. Even seasoned RV travelers may still be honing these skills.

Here are a few RV travel hacks to get you through the rough patches so you can enjoy stress-free camping and become an RV pro in no time.

RV Travel Hacks

1. Prep the Night Before

It may seem obvious, but it will be invaluable in helping you feel prepared for your journey and alleviating the stress you are trying to escape for a while. Pack up your luggage, food, outdoor gear, and whatever else you need. Put what you can in your RV and leave the rest in a designated spot to be carried out first thing in the morning.

2. Minimize

Knowing what you do and do not need to take on your RV travels can be difficult, especially in the beginning. Search for more detailed information on the Internet. You can ask friends and family who have taken RV trips what they wish they had remembered to bring after setting out on their journey–and what they should have left at home. Make a checklist before you depart, then add things you wish you had while traveling. When you get home, cross off items you didn’t even use. Adjust your list for the time of year. With some time, you can build a checklist for all occasions of RV travel.

3. Food Preparation

The last thing anyone wants to do while on vacation is cook. On the other hand, eating in restaurants is expensive–and fast food can be rough on the digestive system. So, what is a good compromise?

Fortunately, planning and preparing meals is something you can do before leaving your house. Think of simple meals that require minimum cooking time. Cut, peel, season, and bake whatever you can ahead of your trip. Prep something that can be left on the stove while you enjoy the sunset in your scenic surroundings. Stress-free camping means spending less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying nature.

4. Practice

If you are new to RV travel, it is crucial to take time to learn the process. Setting up an RV at a campsite takes time, especially in the initial adjustment stages. Deconstructing your campsite is a time-consuming task also. Practicing setting up and taking down your campsite before hitting the road can relieve some of the stress and worry of tackling this new task. Practicing driving, parking, and backing up in your RV is also a good idea.

The Perfect RV Park For You

Nothing is as stress-relieving as a peaceful town surrounded by lush green trees and plenty of outdoor adventures. Mount Pleasant, TX, offers all of this and more. Book your stay at Ramblin Fever RV Park today!

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